Beer, Beer and more Beer: Relatively Wordless Wednesday

I realized well, just a few minutes ago, I've had some pretty incredible beers lately, and I've been remiss in posting any of them. Sure, I may grab a few shots with my phone and put them on Instagram, but it's the proper shots I enjoy more.

So here, without any real tasting notes, since, well, I didn't write any, is the line-up: Samuel Adams Honey Queen is a Braggot, which is part mead and part beer. Mead is fermented with honey, making Honey Queen a rather sweet summery ride.

Samuel Adams Honey Queen

Jackie O's in Athens, Ohio, makes some pretty stellar beers and of course, put the words "Bourbon" and "Barrel" on the label and I'm quick to pick one up.

Jackie O's Brick Kiln

To combat, or rather adhere to, Ohio's liquor laws, Clown Shoes brewed a special Unidragon for Ohio distribution, clocking in at only 11.5%.

Clown Shoes Ohio Unidragon

At the other end of the ABV spectrum is Schöfferhofer, or as I say it every single time a la Hans and Franz, SCHÖFFFFFFERRRRHOFFFFFERRR. I seriously have no other way of saying it. It's weird, but hey, that's me. Schöfferhofer is a mixture of hefeweizen and grapefruit juice. A shandy,  of sorts. At only 2.5% ABV, it's the ultimate summer slammer....err, sipper.


I would be remiss if I did not throw in some Self Starter from our very own Dayton brewed Warped Wing. While it's ABV, and size, is a little high for a session in my opinion...and subsequent experience, it is a great IPA I always have on hand.

Warped Wing Self Starter

Another entry from Jackie O's, this one from my great friend, Eric. It's Oro Negro, and Eric told me it was so good, I would drive to Athens for more. He was right.

Jackie O's Oro Negro

Rounding out the list is one of my favorites: Kosmic Mother Funk, or KMF, from Samuel Adams. This awesomely funky ale is aged for over a year. My full experience with KMF is here , for your chance to taste the funk, check out the KMF tour running now in select cities through the end of the year. I can't recommend it enough.

Samuel Adams Kosmic Mother Funk

Note:  Samuel Adams Honey Queen and KMF were both provided to me by my friends at Samuel Adams. Commentary and photography is all me.


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