Happy New Year!

In a number of hours, 2015 will be gone, and its replacement, 2016, will be ushered in. Another year down. We hardly knew you. As we get older, it is harder to believe just how fast they seem to go.

Crazier yet, 2016 marks the tenth year of Another Pint Please. While the focus of the blog has changed from the early days, one thing has remained constant: my bad punctuation.

In hindsight, 2015 has been exciting in more ways than I can count. Weber took me to both Austin  and LA for shoots. My byline was seen in Sports Illustrated and Tailgater Monthly, and my voice was heard on BBQ Central and Man Meat BBQ.

All of these opportunities are both humbling and exhilarating. I could not be more excited...not only for the steps I've taken, but for the projects I'm still working on lingering in the shadows.

While I'm proud of what I've accomplished, there is more I want to do. As I look back through my old posts, I see the ebb and flow of free time and creativity. I constantly struggle for ways to keep things interesting. I push myself to further the narrative of what I do.

2015 has been great; I know 2016 will be even better. No matter what I get up to, Another Pint Please will always be home, and whether you have been a long time reader, or just stumbled on a post, thank you for your continued interest and support of what I do. I raise my glass to you and 2016. Cheers.


How to Use Evernote to Keep Track of Your Spice Rack...and other stuff


Merry Christmas!