Relatively Wordless Wednesday

One of the highlights of moving APP to Squarespace (shameless plug) is the ability to showcase my images. Based on the feedback from all of you, I think this migration was a long time overdue. Thank you!

The added pixels means these ribs look a lot closer than they really are.

With my new format, I'm going to bring back more pictures from the "archives." What better way to start, than a look back to a Weber Lifestyle shoot from two years ago. I would say it was a fun and grueling two-week "workcation," but who am I kidding? It was all fun.

Want to see how some of these shots turned out? Check out the 2015 & 2016 Weber catalogs hosted on The Virtual Weber Bulletin Board. I'm personally fond of the last page of the 2015 edition. (Note, registration may be required to view...but for the forums, it's well worth it!)

Enjoy your Wednesday!


Relatively Wordless Wednesday


Labor Day BBQ Tips