It's a New Year!

It's hard to believe we are in 2017. The holidays were a blur and I'm pretty sure I'm still full.

As holidays tend to go anymore, I did most of my grilling beforehand so I could feed both APP, but predominately the Weber blog. Of course, I had to have some timely fun, so we hosted Christmas Eve dinner for family.

On the menu were rotisserie duck and reverse seared beef tenderloin. 

I ordered the Pekin duck through D'Artagnan Foods, and the tenderloin came through Jerardi's via Michael's out of Cincinnati. Both were superb.

Admittedly, I got a kick out of my fresh duck overnighted via FedEx. 

After grilling a lot of beef in the preceding weeks, the duck was a pleasant change of place. If you can grill a chicken, you can grill a duck. There are only a few extra steps, like the scoring and cinching of fatty skin, but the overall process is near identical.

Speaking of beef, part of my beef exhaustion was due to one of two prime ribs I grilled. The most recent is in this short form video I created for the Weber blog and social.

Even though the video lasts a breezy 90 seconds, it was about seven hours of work from beginning to end. The rain and sleet didn't make it any easier, but hey, that's what 365 grilling is all about. 

Although it's for "work," the deck made room for yet another grill, Weber's new Genesis II LX.

Weber has launched the Genesis re-design in the form of the Genesis II and it's amazing.

For four burners, the size of the grill deck is massive. It has almost as much space as my Summit Grill Center.

Several months ago I was at Weber HQ for some introductory training, and now I've got my Gen II to put through the paces. I'll post more as time goes on, but in the interim, I'll be using the grill to generate content for Weber. If not already, be sure to following us along on their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram channels!

Finally, special thanks to our friends Billie & Dan for providing one of the coolest Christmas gifts I could ever ask for, my very own Another Pint Please beer caddy. The name says it all! Thanks you two!

Thank you all for your continued interest and support of Another Pint Please. 2017 is already shaping up to be excellent with some exciting new projects on tap. I wish you all the best in the new year. Grill on!

Note: I paid full price for my meat from D'Artagnan and Jerardi's. I have no business relationship with D'Artagnan. I have been known to drink beer at Jerardi's, but I pay for it, so it's really a wash! My work for Weber is compensated. The opinions expressed are my own. I like long walks and roller skating in the rain.


Tech on the Deck


Grilled Grapefruit