Mike LangGrilling, Beer

BBQ Central Radio Show

Mike LangGrilling, Beer
BBQ Central Radio Show

A big thanks to Greg Rempe of the BBQ Central Radio Show who had me on last Tuesday. If you missed it live, here is the replay. I'm on around the 35-minute mark.

This is my third time on, and it's always a treat. We talked beer, including Southern Tier's excellent Manhattan and my new favorite IPA, Samuel Adams New England IPA.

As the can suggests, it's a hazy and juicy adventure. Until now, it was only available at the Boston Brewery. However, seeing it was their best selling growler last year, it is now available nationwide. I picked up some more yesterday, I can't recommend it enough.

Greg and I touched on winter grilling tips, which I've talked about over on the Weber blog, and finished up with Lobster Poutine and Grilled Meatballs. Yes, I readily admit I did not know poutine was a Candian dish! Greg is in Cleveland and just closer to the border than me. I blame my ignorance on distance!

If you aren't already a subscriber to the BBQ Central Radio Show, follow this link to make the connection. Greg's weekly episodes cover everything from competition BBQ to backyard grillers. He is always entertaining and informative.

Speaking of podcasts, stay tuned next month where I will be on again with Mikey at Man Meat BBQ. I can't wait!

NOTE: I work for Weber and my friends at Samuel Adams provided me with samples of the New England IPA. They are awesome friends.