The English Garden

This is Bob & Wendy's backyard. It is quintessential English. In the far back is Wendy's electrically powered, fully heated and Telly ready "Dolly Den". Or what I like to call it, "The Dolly Sweat Shop". Wendy has an unbelievable knack of sewing and doll making. Although, by the rate she makes things, I am convinced the "Dolly Den" has a trap door for the migrant doll makers to do their work in the middle of the night.

That's Bob's Man Shed on the left.

Tonight we are doing a chicken on the grill that we bought Bob & Wendy 4 years ago (The grill, not the chicken is four years old). Armed with a Weber apron and cookbooks, Bob has made himself quite the grillmaster. Besides the charcoal smoke, I am trying to convince Bob to raise some NASCAR flags and really irritate the neighbors.

Speaking of neighbors people who live no where near Bob & Wendy, I surreptitiously took this photograph to highlight an English garden that is unusual, strange and in the middle of the night probably scary. It was difficult to take the photograph because there were people in the backyard and I didn't feel like starting an international incident.
I have figured out that if we wanted to bring the Brits to their knees, we should set up an embargo on concrete lawn ornaments.


Food and Beer

