The Peldon Rose

Dinner at the Peldon Rose was great. The pub was divided into two parts. The older, more quaint section and a new dining area. We ate in the older area not but a stumble from an open fire place.

There were four beers on cask. Keith and I had the Adnams Bitter and another guest ale. They were excellent. For dinner, I had a Mediterranean prawn plate which was basically shrimp cocktail. The biggest difference between shrimp cocktail here and stateside is that the shrimp in England are whole. Yes, I had to peel away not only all of the shell on the body, but also rip off the head and remove the brains...or at least what resembled brains. I thought Zoe was going to die. Hey, at least it was good!

For dinner, I had a leg of lamb and it was literally, a leg of lamb. Absolutely fabulous.

With my abnormally small size bladder, I found myself using the head a number of times. The first time, I foolishly choose to follow Michelle. As we walked through the pub, she pointed towards some doors as my destination. As I approached the two doors, I noticed that neither had the obligatory "restroom" sign and both had windows that showed things I recognized to usually be found in kitchens. I started to open the door which appeared to provide the room with the most privacy when I realized that the pub probably did not store their extra cans of baked beans in the john. Thanks Michelle, I didn't feel like relieving myself in the kitchen. I backed up and fortunately found my way to the right restroom...on my own.

To give you an idea of the age of the building, here is a doorway leading from the old section to the new section and no, I was not leaning when I took the picture. Mind your head!

After dinner, Keith's request, blew through a speed camera to show what happens when Keith's speed camera detector sounds. Michelle, for the record, had not been drinking. Anyways, in the UK, the government posts the position of all of their speed cameras. Companies then acquire this information and download it to detectors that people can install in their cars. Using GPS, the detectors calculate your speed in relation to the placement of the cameras around the country. So, if you are going above the speed limit, the detectors will sound and tell you how fast you are going and what type of detector you are approaching. Unbeknownst to Michelle, I was preparing to photograph the detector as it sounded its alarm. Funny least to Keith and I...when the flash of my camera went off, Michelle thought it was the flash from the speed detector taking her picture. Ahhh, such hilarity. She thought she was had and was quite pissed! I have a video clip of it as well, but for now you will have to suffice for the still. Sorry, it is a little out of focus. Although, you can still make out her white knuckles on the steering wheel!


The price of petrol...

