Where should we tie up the boat?

When I walked in the backyard tonight, it looked from my angle that we had built our house on a bay. I guess to get a sale price for "lake side property" we should list our house today! I mean if the ducks, who have recently taken up residence, like it...I am sure we can get a pontoon boat out there. After all, what says fun like a pontoon boat?

In all seriousness, or at least in as much as I can muster, it has been raining for over twenty four hours. Fortunately, our house is on the high ground...sorta. The bad news is that our house is almost eighty years old and needless to say, water proofing wasn't the "science" it is today. We have battened down the hatches through the years and any moisture is more of a slight annoyance and not a problem.

Hopefully this onslaught will end soon and I can get back to grilling...without an umbrella.




What's on the Grill #60