Curious Traveler

I love finding unexpected boxes on the front porch.  Which, is exactly what happened this weekend.  As I picked the parcel up, I gave it a little shake.  Solid.  I put my ear to the top.  No ticking.  So far, so good.  I slid a knife under the tape and popped open the lid.  What did I find inside?  A Curious Traveler…and a mustache.

Hello Curious Traveler, come on inside.

The Curious Traveler

As much as I really love the stache, Curious Traveler is actually a beer, well technically, a shandy.  Hailing from the House of Shandy in Burlington, VT, Curious Traveler is another take on the shandy, this time blending the European tradition with American craft beer.

It would seem shandy's have taken over the last couple years.  Leinenkugel, I'm looking at you.  Their Summer Shandy is everywhere.  Although liked by many, and I'll certainly drink it if on hand, it is not one of my favorites.  More recently, Samuel Adams released Porch Rocker, another shandy take and one I like a lot.  Zoë even gives it a thumbs up and from my Corona loving wife, that says something.

The Pour

Of course when I think shandy, I go back to England.  For it is in Europe where the shandy is commonplace.  Not by brand, but by act.  Several of my friends have ordered "lager shandys".  Part fizzy lemonade, part lager…Heinekin, Kronenberg, you name it.  Lager.

I sort of wonder what would happen if you bellied up to a US bar and asked for a shandy without pointing to a Leinenkugel tap handle.

Sipping Shandy

Anyway, what do I make of my Curious Traveler?  I actually quite liked it.  The wheat ale base is present, with the addition of lemon and lime inviting and not overpowering.  This is a real, real easy drinker.

Sipping Sandy with Big Nose

In fact, I had it polished off before I realized it.

I "allowed" Zoë a sip and she gave it a "I'd have another one" look.  She did, however, refuse to wear the mustache.  Her loss.

This is one of those summer beers I can see going for immediately after a heavy round of yard work or perhaps, a slightly taxing journey of taking the trash out.  Although currently only available in limited markets, I'll be looking to give this Curious Traveler a home in my beer fridge.  

Curiious Traveler

In the meantime, i'm going to be enjoying my new facial hair.  Cheers.

Note: Curious Traveler was provided to me by the House of Shandy Brewing Company.  Although the shandy was appreciated, I'm really thrilled with the mustache.


Relatively Wordless Wednesday


A Look Back: Planked Filets with Porcini Slather