New Zealand Beer Invasion

New Zealand Beer Invasion

Sometimes you have those days...


noun, \ˈha-pən-ˌstan(t)s, a circumstance especially that is due to chance 

A few weeks ago I headed down to Brewtensils to pick up supplies for our last brew day.  For the record, a trip to Brewtensils requires a trip to its sister store, Belmont Party Supply.  Belmont is easily the premiere store for craft beer in the Dayton area.  You cannot drive to one, without frequenting the other.

So, as I passed through the aisles of Belmont, I had about wrapped up my selections until, out of the corner of my eye, I spied 8 Wired's The Sultan. It was just outside my peripheral vision, but the unmistakable label tripped something in my frontal lobe.  

As I rounded the corner and took in the familiar lavender label, my gaze drifted more.  Situated next to it were two more bottles.  Although the labels were different, the 8 Wired logo was not.  Except the fourth bottle.  Instead of 8 Wired, it screamed Epic, and not of Utah, but of New Zealand.  Amazingly, I inadvertently stumbled onto the largest collection of New Zealand beer I had ever seen and yes, I understand it was only four bottles, but I'm 8300 miles away.  

I was thrilled.

New Zealand Beer Invasion

My excitement of New Zealand beer comes exclusively through my "Crafternoon" friends in Christchurch.  So, as I jump on Twitter to share my find, Tim & Simon respond, by happenstance, from the Brewers Guild of New Zealand Awards dinner.  

Epic Beer

Yes, while I was in the US enjoying the best NZ has to offer, the guys were halfway around the world at an award ceremony for the best NZ has to offer.  In the words of Simon, "freaky!"

8 Wired Batch 31

When the guys aren't building bikes, drinking beer, or lighting the BBQ, they are part of the design firm, Deflux.  Simon is the man behind our incredible Backyard Brewing Society Logo, as well as the awesome 8 Wired Batch 31 logo above.

At this year's guild awards, Deflux was up for best packaging for The Yeastie BoysDigital IPA (Soon to be available in the US).  If you can't tell by this picture, straight from the Guild Awards, they won gold.  That's Simon hoisted on high.

Armageddon IPA

While the guys had a great night of celebration, I had a great couple nights tasting New Zealand beer.   All three styles were excellent.  In fact, my enjoyment of them only makes me want to visit New Zealand just that much more.  It will be a great day when I can share an actual beer with the guys, versus the virtual pints we vicariously share through Instagram and Twitter.

Saison Sauvin

Until that day arrives, I'm going to try and land some more Batch 31.  Of all three beers I tried, four if you add the Sultan, Batch 31 is pretty amazing and easily rises to the top.  It's everything an Imperial Stout should be.  According Søren Eriksen, 8 Wired's Brewmaster, Batch 31 was made especially for the US, after the initial success of NZ only Batch 18.  Here's hoping I can rely less on happenstance and more on good planning to find more.