Mike LangPhotography

Relatively Wordless Wednesday

Mike LangPhotography
Relatively Wordless Wednesday

This is one of my favorite times of year to take pictures by the grill. The air is still warm, the days are long, and the sun just hangs during the golden hour. Part of the reason for the deck addition was grill location. I needed to maximize the western setting sun to backlight my shots. I could not be happier with the results. I just wish the days would last just a little longer. I'm not looking forward to having to put a jacket on again...or a hat.

Want to take better shots by the grill? Shoot towards the sun and use a reflector to fill in the shadows in the foreground. 

Grilled Corn on a Weber Grill

It's my favorite way to shoot. I used the process for the corn above and these fabulous lamb shoulder chops below.

Grilled Lamb Shoulder Chop on Weber Grill

While backlit shots are great, sometimes I just like to come overhead and shoot straight down.

Planked Scallops on Weber Grill

Other times, it's all about depth of field...and peppers. Man, I love grilled red bell peppers.

Grilled Red Pepper

While the grill has been busy the last week, I'm most excited about the Another Pint Please Store. I have finally opened the store for International shipping. I'm incredibly appreciative of all of my friends outside the US that have supported me and am happy I can fulfill their orders. So, how far around the world have I shipped an Another Pint Please shirt? Try Christchurch, New Zealand to my good friend, and Weber enthusiast, Brett! Cheers and thanks!

Another Pint Please T-Shirt

Enjoy your Wednesday!