
With Zoë in England for two weeks, it is hard to believe that I am already four days into my Mancation and this is the first post I have had! Needless to say, work has been crazy, but I will make up for it with my wannabe leisure lifestyle this weekend…which started 5 hours ago... (Note: There will be no Mancation list this timewell, not totally!)

Right now, the grill is fired up waiting for WOTG #131. I will give you a hint, it’s part crustacean and part cow.

First off, my thanks to Chris at Unequivocalnotion for posting the video below. I heard about it on Twitter, but Chris’s blog was the first place I saw it. Crazy enough, I am brewing tomorrow, although on a far lesser scale than the giants in the video. Regardless, it is the love of beer and its originality, history and self-reliance that strikes a chord with me. Dare I say, this thing moved me.

From my glass to yours:

Am I worthy?

Cheers…and roll on Mantivities!


I’ll take mine medium rare please….


What’s on the Grill #130