I’m back!

Well after weeks of neglect, I’m back.  Unfortunately, the real world takes over from time to time and puts the hurting on my non-stop fun of 3 hour weeknight dinners and long weekend brew sessions.  Well maybe the dinners have been on hold, but not the brewing.  A man must have priorities after all.

Suffice to say, I have worked very hard on a personal mission the last two months and I am happy to report I was successful (No, my name is not now Michelle, nor was I successful in re-launching Hands Across America).  This recent mission of mine, and subsequent perma-smile on my face, doesn’t even touch on the fact I recently sold a picture to a certain company I respect immensely or spent the last weekend visiting with my sister & brother in California and getting a tour of the Stone Brewing Company.  Yes, life has been that good.

So, in order to dip back into the blogging pool, let me remind you, and also myself, of what this blog is all about:

Beef meets flame

and this:

 A Growling Bastard


Indian Summer Brewing


Feed Me!