Planked Haddock with Lemon Zest Tartar Sauce

As of late, it appears everything I've been grilling is "planked". I blame this on my desire to fix easy grilled dinners and Adler & Fertig'sTechniques for Planking. Not only does grilling on a plank a.) look cool and b.) make serving easier, it provides for easy grill clean-up. I failed to mention that a plank which catches fire on the grill provides a wonderful ambience, even though some don't prefer 18 inches of burning cedar in their grill a good thing. Oh well.

Standard planking procedure commences: soak the plank. Mount your haddock (I used 2 - 8 ounce filets) to the soaked plank.

Haddock on Board

Mix together 1/4 cup mayonnaise, 1/4 cup pickle relish, 2 tbls grated onion, 2 tsp fresh lemon zest, 2 tsp fresh lemon juice, 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce and salt & pepper to taste.

The Slather

Cover the filets with the tartar sauce, being certain to "seal" in the fish to the plank with your tartar "mortar".

Board on Fire

Prep your grill for direct medium and place your plank directly over the heat. Your fish will only need about 5-8 minutes to cook. If your plank catches fire, pull up some chairs and enjoy the moment. I often find it pretty.


The fish is done when it flakes and is opaque.

If grilling fish bothers you, forget about the grate and move to a plank. And since I am now inadvertently rhyming, I will sign off. Peace. Enjoy your fish.


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