Somebody has a new toy...

For some time, I have been wanting to upgrade my Canon EOS 40D.  I have always been incredibly happy with the images over the last four years, but have longed for something a little "more"...oh, and the ability to shoot full HD with real glass too. Well, wait no more.  I am now the proud owner of a Canon EOS 7D.

A new toy

What does this mean for you, dear reader?  Well for me, it means learning where all of the buttons have moved to.  Actually, this is only partially true.  Most of the important buttons are still in the same spot.  There are, however, more buttons!  I'm curious as to which of these my nose will hit errantly.  My nose became an unwanted "assistant" on the 40D.  I hoping with the 7D it sticks to it's day job, facilitating breath.  Anyway, for you, it will hopefully mean better pictures.

It will also mean, as I hinted above, better video.  A steak looks great in a photo, but when you can not only see it sizzling, but hear it too, I think it's pretty neat.

I have a lot to learn about the functionality on the movie side, so in the meantime I can bore you with experiments such as this, how I spent last night at the grill:


Outdoor Beer Dispensing: Phase I


Hops & Glory