8 Beers to Christmas

Tonight we are heading back to the UK, which is more than we can say for our holiday travels.  Some of my best memories are from spending Christmas on the Isle of Wight.  Although we are state side in '11, I'm thrilled my beer countdown can take me back across the pond.

8 Beers to Christmas

#8 is Black Sheep Brewery's Riggwelter Strong Yorkshire Ale.  Riggwelter is an amalgomation of words which refers to a sheep's inability to move from its back to its feet without help.  A great name for a strong ale and thankfully, a position I've never been in…or at least will admit to.

The nose was full of malt and dark fruit.  My initial taste was again, full malt and little hops with hits of brown sugar and toffee.  This was a great winter beer.  Much like my holidays on IOW, incredibly memorable!


What's on the Grill #234: Goat Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breasts


9 Beers to Christmas