What's on the Grill #279: Grilled Chicken, Corn, & Red Pepper Salad

I don't know what it is about summer, but my salad consumption increases dramatically.  Of course, I'm not just talking greens, I'm talking greens and something grilled.  I can't have one, without the other.

Add in roasted peppers and grilled corn and you don't just have a salad, you have a meal.

Grilled Chicken Salad

Grilled Chicken, Corn, and Red Pepper Salad
Adapted from Weber's New Real Grilling

2 chicken breasts (more on this later)
3 T unsalted butter
1 T chopped fresh basil leaves
1/8 t Tabasco sauce
2 ears fresh corn
2 large red bell peppers
3 T extra-virgin olive oil
4 t fresh lime juice
1 T mayonaise
1 cup chopped green cabbage
1 cup baby arugula
1/2 cup fresh basil
4 scallions, finely chopped

OK, sure, you could buy boneless chicken breasts for this recipe, but I refuse.  Yeah, you only need two breasts, but for less money and more meat you can buy a whole chicken.

A whole chicken means more meat and ultimately more meals.  Grilled Chicken tonight, chicken quesadillas or chicken salad, tomorrow.  It just makes sense.  At least to my stomach.

Butchered Chicken

Prepare the corn by mixing together the butter, basil, Tabasco, and a pinch of salt and pepper.  Place the husked corn on a long sheet of aluminum foil.  Brush the corn all over with the butter mixture.

Brushed Chicken

Seal the aluminum foil around the corn, making a tight pouch.

With the grill heated to direct high, grill the corn and roast the red peppers.  Grill the peppers, turning periodically, until all sides are black and blistered.

Grilled Red Peppers

After about 10-12 minutes, remove both the peppers and corn from the grill.  Place the peppers in a bowl and cover the bowl with plastic wrap to allow the peppers to steam.

Blackened Peppers

Remove the corn from the aluminum foil and return to the grill.

Corn in Foil

Grill the corn over the direct heat for about 5 minutes, turning occasionally, until the corn is nicely charred.  Once done, allow to cool, and slice off the kernels into a bowl.

Cutting Corn

One the peppers have steamed for about 10 minutes, remove the blackened skin.  Then, de-seed and dice.

Diced Red Pepper

Grill the chicken over direct medium-high heat.

Grilled Chicken Pieces

If just grilling breasts, figure about 8-10 minutes, turning once.  For a faster and more uniform cook, be sure to pound the breasts out before placing them on the grill.  If grilling the whole chicken, I start with the thighs and legs, then place down the breasts, and ultimately the wings to ensure everything comes off at the same time.

Mix together the greens, then add in the corn, peppers, oil, mayonnaise, lime juice, mustard, and a pinch of salt and pepper.  

Corn Free Fall

Combine together and then top with diced chicken.

Grilled Chicken Salad

This salad was so good, we've made it twice in the last week.  Although there are a lot of moving parts to make it come together, the results are well worth it.  Simple and satisfying.

Grilled Chicken Salad

It may be a bit of work, but it's nice to have dinner in a bowl…plus, since I grilled that whole chicken, I can plan more leftover meals while I eat.  My favorite kind of multi-tasking.


Relatively Wordless Wednesday


Relatively Wordless Wednesday