1 Beer to Christmas: Batemans Mocha

For a beer called “Mocha," I give you one guess as to one of the predominant flavors.

1 Beers to Christmas: Mocha Batemans

When served cold, the bitterness of the mocha, along with coffee flavors, really comes through. However, it’s amazing the change that takes place in 15 minutes. As the beer warmed up, the bitterness slid aside, and the sweetness of chocolate and earthy flavor of the coffee took the lead.

This is much more of an after dinner drink than a during dinner drink. Of course, no matter when you have it, make sure it warms up. The results are much better and well worth the wait.


Rotisserie Ribeye Roast: What's on the Grill #292


2 Beers to Christmas: Peculiar Yule