9 Beers to Christmas: The Audacity of Hops

For me, this was a special beer as I've been to the Cambridge Brewing Company several times with my good friend, Todd. It is also where Todd brews his sake beer hybrid.

CBC's beers are excellent, as is their food. Not surprisingly, the Audacity of Hops follows suit.

9 Beers to Christmas: The Audacity of Hops

This is a Belgian Double IPA, and the blending of the two styles is killer. While the full mouthfeel is indicative of Belgians, the fact it is chock full of hops is not. While there is no denying the hoppiness of the beer, the five different varieties work so well together, it almost makes the hops presence more subtle than it really is.

I still can taste the resinous hops on my lips. Great stuff.


Holiday Grilling with Weber


10 Beers to Christmas: Struise Tsjeeses Reserva