Beer Can Chicken: The Video

One of my most recent short form Weber videos was Beer Can Chicken. As these things tend to go, the 60-second video featured 2 different chickens and took about 5 hours from start to finish. Sometimes it's hard to get a bird looking "just right!"

I've been grilling beer can chicken for as long as I've been grilling. In my early days, it was always one of those "ta-da" dinners I loved to serve. What isn't cool about a cooked bird mounted on an aluminum perch with its wings pinned back!? Visuals aside, they were also always great to eat. 

What I find interesting these days is how everyone is quick to debunk the process. The can isn't safe! It doesn't impart flavor! It doesn't promote even cooking! 

Does beer can chicken produce the best roast chicken possible? Beats me. Also, see my notes under "I don't care." I've grilled whole chickens more ways than I can count. While I love to spatchcock and smoke, I still come back to ye old beer can. In fact, I grilled two last night on a friend's Weber Genesis Silver. They were good and funny. Try that with a rack of lamb.

I don't believe in something being simply "the best." The "best" is subjective and personal. I believe in what is best for you. If you like to grill chicken on a lemonwood spit over lump wood coals cradled in the cut up remains of Natural Light beer cans, I salute you. I'm not going to tell you everyone knows Coors Light cans are better. It doesn't matter. You went to the grill, you made dinner, and enjoyed it. In my eyes, that is "the best."

9 out of 10 times we aren't grilling Haute cuisine. We are grilling something for family or friends. We want it to be good. We want it to be fun. Beer can chicken is both. 

Now excuse me while I step off my soap box to grab a beer. You will have to wait to see if I drink it or grill with it. Regardless, my friends, cheers!


Relatively Wordless Wednesday


Relatively Wordless Wednesday